Friday, 11 October 2013

currentLabel and currentFrameLabel in as3

This came to me as a surprise as there are two properties of a movieclip for the label of a frame. “currentLabel” and “currentFrameLabel” are those two properties which will give you the label string of a particular frame. There is a very subtle difference in these two.
currentFrameLabel : This gives the string value of the label of the current frame. And this is different for each(lets stress,its different for each) frame unless not defined,in that case it would be null.

currentLabel : This too gives the string value of the label of the current frame. But it is same for the in between frames (the frames between 2 different labels). It returns the label of the current frame if its defined,else it returns the label of the previous frame, else it will return the label of the last to last frame. If there are no labels defined from the beginning, then only it will return null.

Sample Code :-

            import flash.display.MovieClip;
            public class UnderstandingLabel extends MovieClip
                        public function UnderstandingLabel():void
                                    trace(this,' : Constructor : ');
                        private function init():void
                        private function checkOnEachFrame(e:Event):void
                                    trace(this,':checkOnEachFrame :: this.currentFrame=',this.currentFrame);
                                    trace(this,':checkOnEachFrame :: this.currentLabel=',this.currentLabel,':: this.currentFrameLabel=',this.currentFrameLabel);
                                                trace('-----------------------------------------At frame number',this.currentFrame,' this.currentFrameLabel !=null');


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